Our Events
Saraswati Puja
In Hindu Puran Devi Saraswati is define as the goddess of Education, Dance, Music and Art. Every year in school campus our teachers, present students and ex-student together we organized Saraswati puja with devotion and piety. Students, irrespective of all distinctions attend the puja organized by school. The cultural performances that follow the festival revitalize the students with tremendous energy and eagerness.
An Open-Day is organized by the school on this day, Exhibitions on every subject are organized within the school premise. Presents are also invited to visit various classroom where students put up colorful displays, charts, crafts, models and surveys. All students actively participate in the Exhibition and Open-Day. It is an opportunities for all the students to show their talent and creativity. The event proves to be an open forum where guardians and students interact freely. Many distinguished guests are also invited, their valuable opinion left as the greatest treasure for the students and the school.

Annual Function Day
Annual Function Day is the most colorful aspect in the cultural life of the school. It has become a red letter day in school calendar. Preparation for the school annual function begins almost a month before the actual day of performance, without disturbing the normal schedule of daily school routine. Teacher and students put their best efforts to make the day a grand success. They are helped whole-heartedly by the School Authority. The unique of our School Annual Function is that a PTM is usually organized before the programme to make parents aware of the situation and involve them actively in the function. Moreover, the prize distribution ceremony also conducted along the programme adds more dignity, prestige and honour to it.
Annual Sports Day
The school sports is a greatly eventful day in which students participate in various sports events. Prizes are distributed to winners on the same day and consolation prizes are rewarded to every participant. The school authorities believe that physical endeavour like sports and outdoor activities should supplement mental exercises conducted within the classroom.

Fete & Fair
“Fete&Fair” is organized by the every year in the school premises in which all the parents and renowned personalities are also invited. The wonderful hand works of our students are displayed in this fair. A food festival also organized in this fair. Students as well as parents immensely enjoy the food festival. This fete is usually arranged in our school to raise money for charity.
Rabinda Jayanti
Our school celebrates Rabindra Jayanti every year without fail. On his birthday school teachers and students pay their utmost efforts to reverence to Great Novel laureate, Kaviguru Rabindranath Tegore.
Cultural programmes and events are held on the day, including discussing the life and works of Tagore, singing Rabindra sangeet — or songs written and composed by him — dances, drama, writing, poetry recitation performed on the day to enrich the cultural ambiance of the school while paying our heartfelt tribute to him.