Facilities We Provide
The Laboratories
The school has three well equipped laboratories for three science subjects. Physics, Chemistry and biology. Three laboratories have requisite instruments and have facilities for the students to carry on their practical works. The class routine provides sufficient practical classes and students are trained by expert teachers, the method of experiment and observation. Practical classes within the laboratories aim to develop scientific spirit of enquiry among our students and their observation and reading skills.

Special classes
Special coaching classes are now conducted on a regular basis within the school premises. There “Remedial Classes” are taken to help the students who need personal attention even beyond the school hours. The coaching classes started initially with five students but are now running successfully, adding in strength with every passing day.
The Computer Room
The school has a well arranged computer laboratory for it’s students. Students are highly engaged to carry on practical lessons apart from theoretical studies conducted within the classroom. The students do so on a presence of a teacher who guide them in the handling and operation of the computers. It is really a pleasure to see our young learners sitting before the computers and operating them skillfully.

The School Library
The school library is equipped with more than 10000 books. There are important books on all subjects taught in the school. The school library has ample reference books of the students to browse and story books for them to read. Students can borrow books from the library. Teachers has also access to the library. Question papers of I.C.S.E & ISC for the last ten years and project works of our are also preserved in library for the future use.